The stock opened at Rs 156.3 and touched an intraday high and low of Rs 157.6 and Rs 155.6, respectively, in the session so far. The stock of REC Ltd. quoted a 52-week high of Rs 167.75 and a 52-week low of Rs 91.9.
Total market cap of the REC Ltd. stood at Rs 30265.62 crore at the time of writing this report.
Key Financials
The company reported consolidated sales of Rs 9639.98 crore for the quarter ended 30-Jun-2021, up 4.6 per cent from previous quarter’s Rs 9215.76 crore and up 14.11 per cent from the year-ago quarter’s Rs 8448.08 crore.
The net profit for latest quarter stood at Rs 2268.16 crore, up 22.92 per cent from the same quarter a year ago.
Shareholding pattern
As of 30-Jun-2021, domestic institutional investors held 9.39 per cent stake in the firm, while foreign institutional investors held 26.15 per cent and the promoters 52.63 per cent.
Valuation ratio
According to BSE data, the stock traded at a P/E multiple of 3.44 and a price-to-book ratio of 0.5. A higher P/E ratio shows investors are willing to pay a higher price because of better future growth expectations. Price-to-book value indicates the inherent value of a company and is the measure of the price that investors are ready to pay even for no growth in the business.
REC Ltd. belongs to the Term Lending – Power industry.