Closing Bell: After opening in the green, benchmark indices jumped further higher. At 3.10 pm, BSE flagship Sensex was up 1,022 points, or 1.73 per cent to 59,949. NSE benchmark Nifty gained 295 points, or 1.68 per cent, to 17,842. Both indices hit fresh record highs. In the 50-share pack Nifty, Coal India was the biggest gainer, up 2.78 per cent. Tata Motors, Axis Bank, Tata Steel, Hindalco, SBI, HDFC Bank, Adani Ports and Reliance Industries were among other gainers.Sensex soars 958 points, logs biggest gain in four months; Nifty tops 17,800; Sobha jumps 8%, L&T 4%