As per data available on BSE, total traded quantity on the counter stood at 1,715 shares with a turnover of Rs 0.83 crore till 10:30AM (IST). The stock traded at a price-to-earnings (P/E) multiple of 14.48, while the price-to-book value ratio stood at 0.99.
Return on equity (ROE) was at 9.82 per cent, according to exchange data. The stock hit an intraday high of Rs 4896.45 and a low of Rs 4755.4 during the session and quoted a 52-week high price of Rs 5121.4 and a 52-week low of Rs 2219.0.
The stock’s beta value, which measures its volatility in relation to the broader market, stood at 0.71.
Technical Indicators
The 200-DMA (day moving average) of the stock stood at Rs 3652.48 on October 01, while the 50-DMA was at Rs 4260.35. If a stock trades above 50-DMA and 200-DMA, it usually means the immediate trend is upward. On the other hand, if the stock trades below 50-DMA and 200-DMA, it is considered a bearish trend. If it trades between 50-DMA and 200-DMA, then it suggests the stock can go either way.
The Relative Strength Index (RSI) of the stood at 66.86. The RSI oscillates between zero and 100. Traditionally, a stock is considered overbought when the RSI value stands above 70 and oversold when it is below 30.
Promoter holding
As of 30-Jun-2021, promoters held 49.95 per cent stake in the company, while FIIs held 15.13 per cent and domestic institutional investors had 2.85 per cent.