After losing 2 per cent in the prior week, Nifty had started last week on a gap up note. It traded in positive territory throughout the session, reclaiming levels of 17,700. Eventually forming a bullish candle, Nifty snapped four sessions’ losing streak and ended at 17,691 – 159 points up.
The upward gap action after the recent decline offered an immediate floor near the 17,400 zone. However, follow-up action needs to be closely watched as the inability to sustain at higher levels could mean resistance at play near the 17800-17900 zone.
Post the gap-up start, Bank Nifty rallied till 37,671. However, it failed to provide a close above mid midpoint of Thursday’s bearish candle. PSU Bank index continued its recent outperformance; sustenance is likely to attract further positive traction in the public banking space.
Bulls’ regained momentum in realty stocks. Chemical and specialty stocks saw positive traction. Positive follow-up action could unlock further upside potential.
| Buy at Rs 245 October call option near 5-4.5
Stop loss: 2.2
Target: 10
The stock is going through a corrective phase to digest its multi-weeks swift up move. However, since the past couple of days, the stock is holding ground above its 10 days EMA. Hence sustenance above Rs 235 could lift the stock towards Rs 250-255 zone.
L&T | Buy FH near Rs 91-90
Stop loss: Rs 87.5
Target: Rs 97
Post a few days of consolidation, the stock reclaimed levels of Rs 90. Appearance of multiple bullish candles with a close above 90 could mean shift of range on upside.
(The author, Amit Trivedi, is CMT, Technical Analyst – Institutional Equities, YES Securities. The views are his own.)