Gains in RIL, HDFC twins, and Tech Mahindra powered a rally in benchmark indices on Tuesday. Further, a firm global market setup also kept investor mood buoyant. At 9.20 am, BSE Sensex was up 250.23 or 0.41% at 61,217 while the NSE Nifty reclaimed the 18,200 mark, up 75 points or 0.41%. After a firm selloff on Monday, buying returned to broader markets, with BSE Midcap and Smallcap indices up between 0.8-1%. All sectors on NSE traded on a firm note. IT, Realty, and Media indices led. Private Bank was unchanged after a firm rally in the last session. India VIX eased.Opening Bell: Sensex jumps 200 pts, Nifty reclaims 18,200; TechM rises 4%