Vivaan’s concerns should be how he would fund his education, generate income and manage his expenses. An education loan will be the best way for Vivaan to fund his studies instead of dipping into his savings. It will free his investments to generate an income for him in the time that he would not be working. He should look for a loan that covers his living expenses as well, at least partially. Vivaan will need an income to service the home loan and take care of expenses that the education loan will not cover. His accumulated corpus should be moved out of equity where it is currently invested and into investments that will give him a steady, defined level of income such as fixed deposits and Monthly Income Plans. He should also look to rent the house and use the money towards meeting the EMI obligations to some extent. While it may be all right for Vivaan to drawdown on this corpus to meet his expenses, he should avoid drawing from his retirement savings as far as possible.
Vivaan should pay off any credit card outstanding or personal loans that he may have so that they don’t act as a drain on his limited income. He should condition himself to live on a lower income and consider parttime employment to augment it, if his study schedule allows. A little bit of planning and financial discipline should see him comfortably through this phase in life.
(Content on this page is courtesy Centre for Investment Education and Learning (CIEL). Contributions by Girija Gadre, Arti Bhargava and Labdhi Mehta.)