Analysts tracking the grey market said the unlisted stock was commanding a grey market premium of Rs 290-300 per share, compared with the Rs 370-380 it was quoting recently. “It is one stock that can be held in a portfolio for long-term gains, given the strong company prospects. Even if the stock gives a strong listing, I would suggest selling only 50 per cent of the shares held and keeping the rest for long-term gains,” said Astha Jain of Hem Securities.
Last month, Paras Defence and Space Technologies had witnessed a dream debut on Friday as the scrip got listed at Rs 475 on the BSE against its issue price of Rs 175, a listing gain of 171 per cent. Analysts said a strong trend was given, all thanks to record subscription levels the Rs 600-crore issue received during the offer period.
At the issue price, the company commands a market capital of Rs 3,896 crore.
Latent View Analytics is a pure-play data analytics services company in India that offers consulting services, data engineering, business analytics and digital solutions. It provides services primarily to companies in technology, retail, industrials and BFSI.
The IPO, which was sold from November 10 to November 12, had received subscription for 572.18 crore shares worth Rs 1.12 lakh crore. This was more than five times the demand for India’s largest-ever IPO, that of Paytm.
Paras Defence and Space Technologies had managed to make a 171 per cent listing gain in October. GR Infraprojects had in July doubled investor money at listing.
Latent View said the money raised by the company would be used for inorganic growth initiatives (to the tune of Rs 147 crore), investment in subsidiaries (Rs 130 crore) and funding working capital requirements of a material subsidiary, Latent View Analytics Corporation.
The company reported a compound annual growth rate of 3 per cent during FY19-21, but saw a 20 per cent growth in Ebitda and 24 per cent growth in profit after tax during the period. Analysts noted the company’s Ebitda margin improved to 34.2 per cent in FY21 from 25.3 per cent in FY19. High attrition rate at 26.7 per cent in FY21 was an issue, which led to higher wages, resulting in lowering of Ebita margin to 30.8 per cent in the June quarter.
Many analysts had a subscribe rating on the IPO that was seeking a valuation of 42.6 times FY21 earnings compared with 115 times FY21 earnings peer Happiest Minds was trading at.