Jim Rogers | Market Crash: I have not sold anything this year & certainly not sold anything short: Jim Rogers

“What happens when things get bad and the markets go down? The central banks will panic and they will print more money and then we will have a big rally and that will probably be the last rally, says Jim Rogers, Author, Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets.

This has been an exciting year, best of the bulls at the beginning of the year would have not predicted this kind of comeback in commodities or equities or for that matter Bitcoin or in any other asset class.
Jim Rogers: Whether you are in India or America or anywhere, it has been an exciting year. Markets everywhere have been going up and down a lot. There has been phenomenal movement in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. I have no involvement with cryptocurrencies, but I am involved with commodities. I have not sold anything this year and I have not sold anything short. I do not think this has ended yet.

Why have you not sold anything? Higher commodity prices mean higher inflation, higher inflation is something which is going to put a sweat on the brow for all the central bankers and beyond a point they will do whatever it takes to control commodity prices.

Well first of all, there are very few central bankers in the world who know what they are doing. India had one of the best a few years ago, he is gone now but there have not been very many smart central bankers anywhere in history. So please do not believe that they know what they are doing. They have been printing a lot of money all over the world. They have been buying assets all over the world and throughout history that has led to inflation. Now they keep telling us there will not be inflation or it will not be for very long. They just do not know what they are doing. There is going to be more inflation. Things like silver and gold have always been there to protect yourself from inflation. But commodities too can do that.

I will go back to that point again where you said you have not sold anything. Why have you not sold anything?
I do not think that the exuberance is over yet. All of these banks will continue to print money and what will happen when things get bad, when the markets go down? They will panic and they will print more money. They do not want to lose their jobs. They would do whatever it takes to keep their jobs. It is not good for you and me. It is not good for the world but they do not care about you and me. They care about their jobs. So when things start getting soft or going down, they will print more money and we will have a big rally and that will probably be the last rally.

Even though you have made a case that central bankers are just printing more money, ultimately that will lead to an asset bubble. Why are you not going short also?
It has always led to an asset bubble throughout history. Why is that trouble because when things get wildly overpriced, a lot of new inexperienced people come to the market and when the bubble pops, a lot of people lose a lot of money. I hope I am not one of them.

So what would be that turning point or a data point or factors which will convince you to either sell or go short?
Well I do not know. It really depends. It is usually different. You usually start having bankruptcies in small places. When I was younger, I was in the investment business in America. There was a rule that when the central banker or the Federal Reserve raised interest rates three times, that was the sign to get out. If and when they raise interest rates three times, I will be very worried because I have been around a long time.

The general consensus is that in 2022 rates will start going higher. Given that markets have six-eight months to adjust to the first big rate hike, do you think markets would adjust accordingly and the impact of the rate hike would be nullified?
If you look back at markets anywhere, in the last six months or a year, some really crazy things have happened. At the end of the 90s, the Nasdaq doubled in six months at the end and it is always that way. People get really excited and exuberant and they see things going up, they do not want to miss it and they want to jump in, leading to really wild crazy moves.

In America we sometimes call it a blow off. When the market blows off, it goes up, so far so fast. I would expect that to happen again. It has often happened in markets and it will probably happen again when they start printing again.

If the Chinese government maintains this policy of where they want to slow down the economy, where they want to continue to have a tight leash over and other sectors especially in internet space, what implications do you think it will have for rest of the world and for investors who have invested in China?
Every country in the world wants to have strict control over its industries whether it is India in agriculture or others in some other sector. That is the way politicians are. China has been trying to slow down the property sector as it got wildly overpriced. A huge bubble was forming in many Chinese cities and in my view, they are doing the right thing to try to calm it down. Now can they control it or does it turn into a huge collapse? I do not know. Most governments in history have not been able to control when they try to slow things down and it gets out of control.

I still own Chinese shares, I bought a few recently, not many but a few. I am not selling out of China although I do not own property in China. I do suspect that China will continue to try to calm property because they got into a wild bubble.

There seems to be popular belief here in India that there is a froth/exuberance in the new age digital companies. Many of them came out with IPOs in the last three or six months or so and one has seen quite a bit of tizzy in terms of their valuation. What do you make of this entire fad emerging for digital assets?
There are always new things coming in the market when it goes up for a while and that is what is happening now. In the late 60s in the American market for instance, at one point anything that said computer in its title did well. There was a laundry that changed its name to something computer and the stock went up. That is what we are having now; the cryptocurrencies, the NFT. My wife is involved with NFTs, many people get involved with these things but that is the way all markets work.

Towards the end, a lot of new people come, a lot of new instruments come, a lot of new ways to get rich come. SPACs are coming again. They have been around for 300 years and nearly every time the market goes up for a long time, SPACs come back. These are all signs of things that have happened before and they will happen again the next time we have a bull market.

I have been around long enough and I have read enough to know that these things always happen towards the end of a bull market.

The dollar index is already nearing the 96 mark. Now with this new variant from South Africa, Europe is already in the midst of a third wave and a lot of lockdowns are happening. Do you think taper would get pushed back?
When things start looking shaky for a while, the central bankers panic and they will do everything they can to save the bubble and save the bull market and save prosperity. So yes, if something causes the markets to go down, whether it is a new virus or whatever, they will get scared and do something to save us all. You mentioned the US dollar. I own the US dollar because when things get bad, people look for a safe haven and many people think the US dollar is a safe haven. It is not, but for historic reasons, people think the US dollar is a safe haven and so I own it.

Rollover from 2021 to 2022 what would be your favourite trade for the coming year?
I do not know. The best trade for 2021 is probably agriculture.

Do you feel the uptick in prices of soy, wheat, corn or sugar is here to stay?
Yes, these things have gone up but remember sugar is still down 70% from it’s all time high, that is not a bubble. Maybe my timing is wrong but I still prefer agriculture to nearly anything.

What about supply dynamics? The world is getting globalised. Do you see supply dynamics changing very rapidly which could have an impact on agri prices or for that matter, commodity prices?
Of course, but supply is being affected by the virus too. It is harder and harder to get workers. Let us use America to be neutral. It is very hard to get farm workers now for many reasons, partially because many countries are turning inward against immigrants and also because when people get sick, they cannot work. The supply is a huge problem eventually and that is one reason in my view that commodities will continue to go higher.

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