The stock jumped 6.94 per cent on the NSE following the initiation of coverage and traded at Rs 148.70, up from Rs 139.05 in the previous day. Jefferies have a 12-month target of Rs 240 on the stock.
During the IPO, the shares were available in the range of Rs 86-90. Devyani International debuted on the bourses at Rs 141 in August. However, prices have not moved much since then.
The analysts say the company’s track record has been modest on several parameters. Covid-19 has been a headwind, but accelerated self-help measures have helped the company. Aggressive store addition and better economics is also a plus point, they point out.
The broker expects 37 per cent compound annual growth in earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (Ebitda) during FY20-24.
However, not everyone is bullish on the stock. Before Jefferies put its views out, two analysts had initiated coverage on Devyani International with a divided mandate, data available on Refinitiv showed. One has a sell rating with target at Rs 87, and the another has a buy with target at Rs 163.
During the September quarter, the company improved its performance. Revenue from operations grew by 124 per cent YoY to Rs 516 crore while Ebitda margins improved to 23.9%. The company also reported a net profit at Rs 47 crore against a loss of Rs 65 crore in the corresponding quarter last year.
The company management said they opened 111 net new stores across core brands in the 6 months ended September 30, 2021, with 68 net new stores getting added in Q2FY22. “Our long-term focus is on consolidating our presence in key metro cities while tapping into smaller towns, enabling us to take our brands closer to our customers,” said Ravi Jaipuria, Chairman, Devyani International.