V-Guard Industries Ltd., incorporated in the year 1996, is a Mid Cap company (having a market cap of Rs 10037.13 Crore) operating in Consumer Durables sector.
For the quarter ended 31-12-2020, the company reported a Consolidated Total Income of Rs 840.60 Crore, up 33.52 % from last quarter Total Income of Rs 629.58 Crore and up 31.81 % from last year same quarter Total Income of Rs 637.73 Crore. Company reported net profit after tax of Rs 78.25 Crore in latest quarter.
Investment Rationale
The brokerage has tweaked revenue, earning estimates upward for FY23 by ~12%, ~14%, respectively, given a strong construction push by the government and market share gain will benefit organised players like V-Guard. It reiterates BUY rating and revises target price to Rs 260 (earlier Rs 210), valuing the company at 37x FY23E earnings.