The sale price has been fixed at Rs 981.80 to Rs 1,022.10 apiece, upto 3.9% discount to Tuesday’s closing price of Rs 1022. As of December 31, 2020, CA Rover Holdings held 15.86% stake in the company.
SBI Cards-India’s second largest credit card firm launched its maiden initial public offer (IPO) in March last year. Carlyle Group, which acquired a 26% stake in
Cards from the GE group for Rs 2000 crore in 2017, sold 10% during the IPO for Rs 7000 crore and made a windfall gain of 8.5 times in 3 years.
Shares of SBI Cards have rallied 35% from its IPO price of Rs 755. The Carlyle Group which is now selling 4% for Rs 3,728 crore still holds 11% stake currently valued at Rs 10,574 crore.