Laxmi Organic, Craftsman Automation: Both the stocks will make BSE debut on Thursday. The Rs 600 crore Laxmi Organic IPO was sold from March 15 to March 17 and was a hit among investors, drawing 106.81 times subscription. The Rs 824 Craftsman issue wasn’t a big draw. It was sold in the Rs 1,488-1,490 range and received just 3.82 times subscription.
Jubilant FoodWorks: The food services company announced to introduce American multinational chain of fried chicken fast food restaurants ‘Popeyes’, to India. The company announced to enter into an exclusive master franchise and development agreement with PLK APAC Pte, a subsidiary of Restaurant Brands International Inc (RBI), said a joint statement.
Canara Bank: State-run lender
said it is organising an auction of 2,000 borrower properties in its possession on Friday.
JSW Energy: Sajjan Jindal-controlled JSW Energy is planning to raise up to $1 billion in a maiden dollar bond sale, seeking to catch up with rivals such as Adaniand the Tatas in expanding its footprint in clean energy projects. These would be the so-called green bonds, compliant with the crucial ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) theme.
Rail Vikas Nigam: A strong track record, robust order book, recovery of funds from railways, improved working capital cycle and decent dividend yield make Rail Vikas Nigam (RVNL) a good bet for retail investors at an offer for sale (OFS) price of Rs 27.50. The OFS will open for retail investors on Thursday.
Bank of India: on Wednesday said it will raise up to Rs 750 crore by issuing Basel III compliant bonds. The bidding for the Basel III compliant additional tier I bonds will start on March 26 and end on March 30 (settlement date), the bank said in a regulatory filing.
Oil India: Indian state-owned energy firms ONGC Videsh Ltd and Oil India Ltd, together with their foreign partners, have met conditions precedent for the first debt drawdown from the USD 14.9 billion facility they had tied up to part-finance their USD 24.1-billion LNG project in Mozambique.
Falcon Tyres, Dunlop India: Markets regulator Sebi on Wednesday restrained the officials of Falcon Tyres Ltd and Dunlop India Ltd from accessing securities market for violating market norms.Falcon Executive Chairman Pawan Kumar Ruia has been barred from the securities market for 2 years and Executive Director Sunil Bhansali for one year.