Linde India, one of the largest producers of the gas in India, climbed 4.76 per cent to Rs 1,957. In the last three months, the scrip has surged 113 per cent. Shares of its smaller peers were also in high demand. National Oxygen was up 2 per cent, hitting the upper circuit limit. Bhagwati Oxygen and Gagan Gases rose 5 per cent each, with lakhs of pending buy orders and no seller in sight.
As the health crisis worsened in the country, demand for oxygen skyrocketed, bringing in traders who want to make the most of the crisis. This has led to heavy buying on the above-mentioned counters in the last few months.
Seriously ill Covid-19 patients need additional oxygen, as the virus damages the respiratory system. Indian authorities have been grappling to meet the heightened demand for oxygen over the past few weeks, as Covid caseload has hit record levels.
“We need oxygen plants in every district to ensure adequate oxygen availability. It’s an important decision that will boost oxygen availability to hospitals and help people across the nation,” PM Narendra Modi tweeted on Sunday, outlining the government plans to set up new oxygen plants.
As the situation turned dire, some of the biggest names of Indian industry have started increasing oxygen production. Reliance Industries, Tata Steel, JSW Steel and ArcelorMittal Nippon are some of the companies that have diverted their capabilities to produce medical oxygen. ITC and Tata Group said they would import cryogenic tanks used to transport oxygen in order to help India battel the pandemic.