Aditya Birla Capital Ltd., incorporated in the year 2007, is a Large Cap company (having a market cap of Rs 29321.47 Crore) operating in NBFC sector.
For the quarter ended 31-03-2021, the company reported a Consolidated Total Income of Rs 5591.96 Crore, up 11.13 % from last quarter Total Income of Rs 5031.97 Crore and up 15.35 % from last year same quarter Total Income of Rs 4847.64 Crore. Company reported net profit after tax of Rs 303.60 Crore in latest quarter.
Investment Rationale
Operating performance of the life insurance business gathered momentum in line with industry trends. Health insurance losses too narrowed to Rs2bn in FY21 (Q4FY21 combined ratio at 107%). Further investment in franchise, cross-sell and leveraging digital, will aid it improve RoE profile.
Promoter/FII Holdings
Promoters held 70.7 per cent stake in the company as of March 31, 2021, while FIIs held 11 per cent, DIIs 4 per cent and public and other 14.3 per cent.
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