covid vaccines: Everybody getting vaccinated necessary condition for return to normalcy: Madan Sabnavis

By Tamanna Inamdar

While the idea of giving free vaccines to everybody is commendable, I do not think it is practical, says Madan Sabnavis, Chief Economist, CARE Ratings.

Does it really matter how many people get vaccinated? Will it have a spillover effect in that sense that restaurants, malls and shopping centres will see more footfalls and airlines will see more seats filling up?
Madan Sabnavis: I think having everybody vaccinated is a necessary condition before we get back to normal because as long as people are not vaccinated. there will always be a fear that the infection would have scope of spreading and to that extent opening up the economy will be a little more challenging.

So hypothetically, if all the 1300 million people get vaccinated, it will be very good time for the economy because then we can boomerang our daily business to what we were doing before the lockdown was imposed So both from the point of view of health as well as from the point of view of the economy, we will get back to normal only if people are vaccinated. Relying on herd immunity would mean being a bit too optimistic and the risk of re-infection would remain.

Do you think that the services sector will have the same extent of pent up demand that we have seen in the manufacturing sector?
The pent-up demand story does not really play out when we are talking of services because if I cannot go to a restaurant and have a meal now, that does not mean I am going to have multiple meals once I venture out. The same holds for holidays.

Also, when we are looking at the services sector, we know that lots of trends have changed like going to a cinema theatre and instead watching things on Netflix or any of these other OTT channels. A lot of lost space will be regained by some of the sectors but it will be a case of starting afresh. We will not see a case of pent-up demand there and so what is lost is actually lost. The damage is permanent.

The private sector is taking initiative to tie up with vaccine manufacturers and see how quickly they could get their employees back into office. Would that really speed things along?
Actually it will because the organised sector has a total employment force of 20 to 30 million. Just assume that my company says that my entire family can be vaccinated. Either the company bears the cost or we bear our own cost and so multiply by four. We are talking of 80 to 120 million of the population getting independently vaccinated and we could really steady up the process.

We need to have both the engines firing. I agree that the government may not be in a position to finance the entire thing because at Rs 400 per person into 1300 million translates into Rs 52,000 crore. While the idea of giving free vaccines to everybody is commendable, I do not think it is practical. So, the private sector will have to play a role and lots of people will be willing to pay for it but we should be given access to it as soon as possible which will be possible only in case you open it up to the general public.

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