Risk takers can allocate to Axis Special Situations Fund

Mumbai: High risk-takers who understand the risks associated with thematic funds could consider committing 5% of their equity portfolio to the new fund offer (NFO) of Axis Special Situations Fund given the strong track record of existing schemes from the fund house. First-time investors should avoid such themes and go through diversified equity mutual fund schemes.

The scheme will invest in a mix of domestic and overseas companies and aim to capture special situations that come in due to disruptive changes that arise due to technology innovation, government policy changes, corporate restructuring or regulatory changes.

The scheme can also invest up to 30% in overseas stocks. It will follow a multicap strategy and for international stock allocations, seek help from Schroders, also a shareholder of Axis AMC.

Ashish Naik and Hitesh Das will manage the scheme and the fund will be benchmarked against the Nifty 500 TRI. The new fund offer closes on December 18.

“Disruption caused due to Covid-19 itself will present many opportunities in areas like technology, pharma and many other areas,” says Rupesh Bhansali, head (distribution), GEPL Capital. He believes the fund is for investors who understand such themes and first time investors would be better off in plain vanilla diversified equity funds.

Since the fund is thematic, financial planners feel the portfolio will be concentrated. Given high investor interest in disruptors the valuations of many such companies will be high. The business could take longer to generate profits leading to volatile price movements in the near term.

“A mix of global plus international companies that are disruptors is a strong theme with enough opportunities to be captured. This along with the strong performance from the fund house in the equity MF space is reason for investors to allocate 5% of their equity portfolio to it,” said Uttam Agarwal, EVP, LaPremier Wealth Management, Bajaj Capital.

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