According to the DRHP filed with the capital market regulator, the IPO will consist entirely of fresh equity shares worth Rs 1,250 crore, with a face value of Rs 2 each. has seen the copy of the DRHP.
STPL is promoted by mining magnate Anil Agarwal and Twin Star Overseas. Shares of the company will be listed on BSE and NSE.
Sterlite Power manufactures power products, and is in the business of power transmission and offers solutions for problems of intersection of time space and capital.
It is the second most prominent power transmission company of India after PowerGrid and is ahead of Adani Transmission and Essel Group in terms of market share.
The IPO is expected in the last quarter of this year. However, the issue size has been trimmed as the unofficial market expected an issue of Rs 2,000 crore.
The company will reserve some shares for eligible employees but the portion of reserved shares has not been declared in the DRHP. Also, the company may consider a pre-IPO placement of Rs 220 crore.
The company has reserved 75 per cent of the net issue to Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) allocation and 15 per cent shares are allocated to Non-Institutional Bidders (NIIs). Retail investors will have the remaining 10 per cent allocation.
Sterlite Power Transmission has appointed Axis Capital, ICICI Securities and JM Financial as the book running lead managers (BRLMs) to the issue, whereas KFin Technologies is the registrar for the issue.