How important do you think the execution is going to be over the next three years about the National Monetisation Plan so that we are able to monetise assets and unlock value?
I have got a broad idea from the Finance Minister’s press conference, and there are two positives and one concern. The first positive is the sheer size and boldness of the programme. I think around the last budget, the figure that was circulated or suggested was around Rs 3.5 lakh crores. I now see that it has gone to Rs 6 lakh crores. So it is certainly a bolder and a larger programme.
Secondly, I also see an increase in variety. People thought that monetisation would largely be roads and some power assets but this is very clearly a wide swap of utility assets owned by the central government. Now a very interesting point here to note and I am sure it will come up for debate in the days ahead is that there has been a very specific mention that these assets are not going to be sold to the private sector.
They are going to be offered as concessions, as rights to operate and returned to the state after a given period of time. Now this brings in a fairly difficult dimension to the whole exercise.
We are now talking about PPP formats and the PPP programme entering through the side door. If you are talking about concessions, then across each of these sectors very detailed PPP concession agreements will have to be brought up and that is not an easy exercise as the recent experience with railway train privatisation and many other PPPs have shown.
PPPs are not in favour because the private investor is apprehensive based on past experience. So this is a very important caveat that these are going to be in operating contracts under the PPP format and that introduces a huge degree of uncertainty vis-à-vis a straight forward sale.
We have seen a lot of reluctance by private sector when it comes to investing in greenfield projects. Do you think brownfield assets will be of interest to the private sector? More importantly, you also raised the issue of difficulty when it comes to PPP concession agreements that we may have to draw up.
The nerve of the issue is that there has been widespread apprehension about putting money into PPP projects. If you remember, under Nitin Gadkari, most of the road projects were done on EPC (Engineering, procurement, and construction) basis and we moved out of PPP.
Now effectively what you are saying is that you have 6 lakh crores of assets which are going to be put up under PPP frameworks. Historically we have debated the shortcomings of PPP and there has been a very interesting report called the Kelkar Committee report which was actually commissioned by this government in its first term. It listed all the pitfalls of PPP, and included things like independent regulators and renegotiation. It also included protecting babus from rightful decision making and proposed integrating various PPP formats.
I am worried that are we again putting the cart before horse because unless past issues of PPPs are sorted out, rectified, and addressed head on, we are going to see difficulties in implementation of PPP formats across these swath of new assets.
Because you were so familiar with the entire infrastructure monetisation programme, I want to give the example of private trains. The government wanted private players to come in. There were some issues. The entire process in itself had to be scraped after bids were called in. Do you foresee such issues with respect to the current plan, the guidelines and the framework that the government has put as a part of the national monetisation plan?
I am apprehensive but I agree with ET Now’s Mythili Bhusnurmath that infrastructure sector has three types of risks – development risk, construction risk and operating risk. And the private sector, particularly foreign investors, are most loath to come in at the development and construction phase. So technically the government is right that brownfield operating assets that are being put up are at the last stage of risk.
The biggest worry for private players is a level playing field as it was with the railway system and the programme would have worked well if a truly independent rail regulator was in place before privatisation had started. I have the same apprehensions with many of the other sectors.
One of the models that the government has suggested under structured financing involves REITs and using methods like REITs and InvITs as well. In the past we have seen there were a lot of regulatory issues that were raised by foreign investors regarding REITs and InvITs . Have some of those issues been sorted? Execution is going to be key but is it an half hearted effort by the government?
The government does see asset recycling or asset monetisation as a very important pillar of managing the economy of this country, particularly its fiscal resources. So its heart is in the right place, its interest and purpose is clear, sincere but there are impediments on the way.
While I have apprehensions, one should also not negate the successes. After all, the road sector is on the verge of launching the first InvIT which is likely to see a good response, about Rs 5500 crores. We do know that some Indian airports have been privatised. We know that private ports have come up. We know that Power Grid’s InvITs for power transmission monetisation is well on its way. There have been success stories.
But apprehensions still remain that this is PPP through other means. Systems, structures and an ecosystem to manage PPP to give confidence to domestic and foreign investors needs to be put in place.
The government has said that it will make sure that states are incentivised as well. How important will this be?
Incentivising states is a separate subject but it raises the larger issue that about half the infrastructure investments are done by the centre and half by all the states together, in fact, almost 60% by the states together. Many of the states have very good infrastructure assets which can be monetised.
One of the first was the Mumbai Pune Expressway but we now have the Mumbai Nagpur Expressway as well, we have four expressways in UP, we have states owning state utilities, power plants, transmission companies, distribution companies, warehouses, real estate etc. So states can now take a leaf out of the centre’s book and each state can prepare its own monetisation plan.
I do not have a solution right now but a structure can be created to see that this very bold initiative by the central government somehow finds traction and cascades into the states’ policy as well.
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman as a part of her budget speech did say that idle assets will not create an ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat.’ Do you think that the current program will be enough to unlock resources, unlock value from idle assets and will help the government with funds to put it in sectors that have a multiplier effect?
Please do not call them idle assets. If they were idle assets nobody would invest, they are operating assets. People only invest in operating assets to make money out of it. The central government is picking up a major pillar of economic activity which we have been advocating for almost two decades, which is to monetise state owned operating utilities, monetise and recycle assets.
My only caveat is that it would be very useful to speed up the process, to simultaneously put a PPP, a think tank or an execution group together which would actually put in place many of the desirables of having PPP programs and formats and concession agreements work. Otherwise it will get into a bit of a tangle and we will only waste time.