This is a stock which has surprised everybody. Why is Bajaj Finance sitting at Rs 7,000?
Our target for Bajaj Finance is Rs 6,900. If you look in the NBFC space, wholesale lending as an overall pie is really not comforting from an investor perspective, given the challenges that one has seen. That is why retail NBFCs are finding a lot more favour as at least they do not have that kind of challenges on the asset quality and that’s why there is a bit of a polarisation happening towards retail NBFCs. Bajaj Finance is obviously the top pick in that particular space. While there was some bit of a spike in gross NPA, largely the markets have looked through that in the order book because it was a seasonal challenge because of lockdown. In general, this is one particular NBFC name where we are not seeing much asset quality challenges and that is why it continues to command a good premium. I really do not see this sort of trend changing any time soon.
Has Bharti got rerated based on news or is there still more elbow room left?
The telecom industry structure is turning favourable, Now it looks like there will be two strong players and the bigger rerating could happen only when the ARPU jumps up. If that happens, then we would expect better rerating happening but one thing is clear that it is largely going to remain a two-player market and as and when the ARPUs go up, there will be material rerating with Airtel guiding for double digit return ratios.
One would want to believe that there is a price hike in the offing and which is why we have also upgraded our target price to Rs 720 basis DCF. These numbers could be a lot better depending on how 5G pans out or what kind of subscribers they gain from Vodafone and the 5G perspective. So, we are keeping our fingers crossed and hoping for better things to happen. How long that takes remains to be seen but one can be structurally positive in a stock like Bharti, given that it has competed well against a formidable player.
While we are yet to get takeaways from the AU Small Finance Bank conference call that the management is hosting, do you think the way the stock got whacked was unfair?
We do not have a coverage on AU Small Finance Bank but volatility had creeped into the stock two quarters back, when it appeared that the bank has probably underprovided for the kind of cautious stance that it usually takes and subsequent to that, the news flows have not really been had a helpful impact including the latest news of top level exit. When a company commands one of the best multiples and priced to perfection, these sorts of news will lead to volatility. Till the news flows do not subside, volatility is here to stay at the counter. We do not cover the stock fundamentally so cannot give a target price.