RIL was scheduled to unveil JioPhone Next on Friday, Ganesh Chaturthi. But the company company in a filing to BSE late on Thursday said it is “actively working to make it available more widely in time for the Diwali festive season.”
Reliance Industries said the additional time would help the telecom firm mitigate the current industry-wide trend of semiconductor shortages globally.
“Those planning to buy lower-end smartphones were keenly awaiting the phone launch,” said independent analyst Ambareesh Baliga, who said the target buyers would still want to wait till Diwali to get their hands on the JioPhone Next.
“It will have a sentiment bearing on the RIL stock, as immediately it won’t result in any change in bottom line. People should hold on to the stock. Going by even the past Reliance products, JioPhone Next might be very attractively priced. The new phone would have two chips, but you will be stuck to Jio. The whole idea here possibly is to boost Arpu going ahead. The telecom operator might price it attractively, so that those who could not afford smartphones earlier would pick it up,” Baliga said.
Arpu stands for average revenue per user. For now, the company said it has begun testing JioPhone Next with a limited set of users for further refinement.
Deepak Jasani of HDFC Securities said he does not see more than 2-3 per cent drop in the stock on Monday. Chip shortages are a global phenomenon and a short-term delay in the phone launch should not mean much, he said.
Analysts are largely expecting the smartphone to appeal to its existing JioPhone user base, who are coming out of their three-year JioPhone contracts. They expect the migration to boost the number of smartphone users in India. They also expect a boost Jio’s Arpu and believe the launch would expand the addressable market for Jio’s digital services.
Another analyst, who did not wish to be named, said while the RIL stock could take some hit due to trigger-based flows, the fact that it has seen a breakout on the technical charts and, fundamentally, it is generating huge cash flows, is investing in new businesses and could sooner than later complete the Aramco deal, bode well for the stock. “I don’t see any serious fall in Reliance shares on Monday,” he said.