In a tweet, Chauhan said, “Market cap of listed companies on BSE at Rs 260.78 lakh crore, INR :$exchange rate at Rs 73.51 per Dollar, India crossed market cap of $3.54 trillion today Sept 16,2021. Perhaps, the 5th highest market capitalization country in the world.”
While it is difficult to get exact comparable data on a real-time basis for various stock markets globally due to different time zones, the most valued markets include the US (over $50 trillion), China (over $12 trillion), Japan (nearly $7.5 trillion), Hong Kong (over $6.5 trillion) and the UK (more than $3.5 trillion).
In its third consecutive session of gain on Thursday, the 30-share BSE benchmark Sensex jumped 417.96 points or 0.71 per cent to its new closing peak of 59,141.16. During the day, it zoomed 481.09 points to its all-time high of 59,204.29.
In three days, the benchmark Sensex has gained 963.4 points. Investors have become richer by over Rs 4.46 lakh crore in three sessions of market rally.
On May 24 this year, the market capitalisation of all listed companies on the exchange touched the $3-trillion mark.
Notwithstanding pandemic woes, the market capitalisation (m-cap) shot up to $2.5 trillion on December 16, 2020.
The exchange had seen listed firms’ valuation going past the $1-trillion level on May 28, 2007.
The journey from $1 trillion to $1.5 trillion was covered in 2,566 days or just over seven years on June 6, 2014.
The m-cap of its listed companies reached $2 trillion on July 10, 2017 — taking 1,130 days from the $1.5-trillion level.
From there, it took 1,255 days to go past the $2.5-trillion mark on December 16, 2020. It reached the milestone of $3-trillion on May 24, 2021.
The benchmark index has gained 11,389.83 points or 23.85 per cent so far this year.