Is it going to be an earnings season where IT will continue to outperform? The valuations have run up and one has to hunt for stocks to bet on. Consumption is also expected to do well, but those valuations have also gone up.
Just from trends perspective, if we look at the period of the first lockdown and we see on aggregate how spends were made by households, we will notice that spends moved away from experiential spends like going out to hotels, travelling in flights, enjoying in restaurants etc and went towards purchasing of goods.
This trend reversed towards the end of last year and then going forward, during the second wave, we reverted towards buying goods, away from experiential spends.
As vaccinations pick up and people adjust to the Covid situation, spends will move back from purchase of goods towards experiences. In our judgement, in the coming quarter, one should look out for the trend shift towards enjoyment, travel and hotel consumption. We need to see whether that trend gets tailwinds going forward.
It if does, it will be a reasonably large trend where many companies will witness earnings tailwinds and it will have to reflect in stock prices. As regards IT, there are clearly two things that one will need to see. In IT, instead of very large few deals, a lot of relatively smaller but greater number of deals are coming through and that is making the environment quite democratised in the sense that some of the small and midcap companies are also participating in this trend.They are getting many orders which were not coming to them earlier. So, there are demand tailwinds in that sector.
What is hurting or which is somewhat of a speed breaker factor is that manpower availability is abating; it is coming off and the good manpower that you are getting is coming at a price and that price in many instances is much higher than what it used to be even a year ago. These two trends will need to be watched out. Whoever is able to maintain that balance between getting the right and the right number of orders and also managing costs will benefit and their stock prices will see tailwinds. This is how we are perceiving this quarter to proceed.
What is it that you are recommending right now, good time to buy still or would you say wait it out the market has begun some bit of dip let us see where this actually takes us?
I am a firm believer that this is India’s decade and that we are going to see something similar to what we saw during 2003-2008 between now and say the next five to 10 years. And I would say that there are a lot of factors which are falling in place for India. India is in a sweet spot on many counts whether it is liquidity or earnings, whether it is credit growth or finances of the government.
As many commentators would have mentioned earlier, this sort of a long term bull market never goes up in one line, you will always have speed breakers in between but those who make money are the ones who actually traverse over those speed breakers and do not stop.
There are many who take speed breakers as permanent breaks and exit the markets. Those are the ones who actually lose money but those who traverse these speed breakers are the ones who actually make long term wealth.
Whether there will be long term wealth made from here over the next five, seven years, I have zero doubt that will be the case. Now whether in the next two months there will be volatility, I have zero knowledge of that because I do not know whether there will be a credit event or some Evergrande kind of event in China which will cause volatility but if you are a long-term player and if you really want to create wealth in this market, stay put!
There is never a bad time to invest in this market because you will never know what is the good time. So, stay invested; have your capital allocation strategy in place and over the next five, 10 years, you cannot go wrong in India. FIIs believe in India. Over the last one year, $25 billion of capital has flown into the country which is higher than any other emerging market and that tells us how much confidence they have in India. Why shouldn’t we have that confidence? There is every reason for us to have that confidence given that we are so close to the ground. Do not look at it in the near term, look at the bigger picture. India is going to benefit, participate in that benefit, stay for the long term.