The scrip was commanding a grey market premium of Rs 820 apiece following the Budget announcements, after plunging to Rs 700-720 levels a day ago, thanks to six days of relentless selling pressure in the secondary market correction that was eventually snapped by Monday’s mega rally.
“The stock has rebounded smartly post Budget. The grey market premium now stands at Rs 820,” said Abhay Doshi, a gujarat-based dealer of unlisted shares, who also tracks grey market premium.
At the issue price of Rs 1,490, a premium of Rs 820 would suggest a 55 per cent listing pop. However, it must be noted that the scrip was commanding a grey market premium of Rs 895-900 when the IPO was initially announced.
Some brokerages are bullish on Indigo’s prospects. YES Securities said
can command a price multiple of 60 times on expected FY23 earnings, as against Asian Paints’ 62 times, and ‘ 73 times.
At those multiple, YES Securities finds the fair value of the stock at Rs 2,050 against the IPO price of Rs 1,490, implying a 37 per cent upside. At the prevailing premium, the grey market is assigning a value of Rs 2,290 to the stock against the IPO price band of Rs 1,488-1,490. Astha Jain of Hem Securities expects Indigo Paints to list in the range of Rs 2,000-2,100. She does not see any change in this listing range.
The IPO, which ran from January 20 to January 22, was subscribed 117 times.
The issue received bids for 64,57,90,130 shares at the end of the third day, which marked a total subscription of 117.02 times the issue size of 55,18,402 shares.
Elara Capital noted that the specialised products portfolio that contributed 28.6 per cent to the company’s FY20 is profitable and attractive to dealers, which gives Indigo a “foot in the door”. That portfolio gives Indigo Paints a higher trade margin of 17-20 per cent than Asian Paints’ 15 per cent, but also a strong reputation, which gives it pricing power.
Antique Stock Broking said Indigo Paints may continue to gain market share and outperform its larger peers in the short to medium term. That will be through scaling up of operations in the recently-entered markets, and its increasing presence in larger cities of its existing mainstay geographies, the brokerage said in a pre-IPO note.