What are some of the factors that have shaped up and helped you improve your asset quality? Do you see asset quality stabilising even further going from here?
When it comes to asset quality, a couple of factors really help to ensure that the asset quality stays strong. Of course, it has been a long journey and we have started seeing the results. We have invested well in terms of our underrating capability when it comes to corporate advances.
We started recognising stress early and as and when we see the stress, we provide for it. We do not wait for the repayment records to trigger the provisioning and also we try to see that our provisions are better than what is really asked by the regulators and that has started yielding results. As far as the corporate book is concerned, and the retail advances, the collection machinery is of significant importance apart from underwriting.
We have excellent underwriting principles when it comes to retail and our retail engine worked very well and in fact at the end of the first quarter, we had a challenge in terms of our asset quality in retail but we could pull it back in no time. We had significantly strengthened our retail collection machinery also.
Our collection calls went up almost 10 times and also we have started calling even before the amount is due. It is a call with an intention to ensure that people have sufficient cash flow with them to meet EMI liabilities. That has helped us in showcasing this kind of asset quality.
Will you be able to better your asset quality going forward or at least maintain it?
We should maintain or better it. This is something which I would like to say because when it comes to likely stress in our corporate accounts, we have either provided them fully or we have stepped up the provisioning significantly.
I do not envisage any challenge when it comes to the retail asset quality. So hopefully we should be in a position to improve it.