In a conversation with Business Standard, the RBI head said there has been a softening of food inflation in India and that the central bank is confident of meeting its 5.3 per cent Consumer Price Index inflation target for 2021-22 (April-March).
However, core inflation, which printed at 5.99 per cent in September, remains a matter of concern, he added.
The RBI Governor maintained that the central bank’s GDP growth forecast of 9.5 per cent for the current financial year was also likely to be met, even as global headwinds remain.
Das also said that when it comes to modulating liquidity in the banking system, the central bank would take necessary steps in sync with the broader requirements of the economy.
While lauding the government’s step to recently announce a cut in fuel excise prices, Das did say that it was necessary to keep a close watch on fuel and core inflation.
The RBI head’s optimism about domestic growth impulses however did not extend to the global growth scenario, with Das expressing scepticism about whether the International Monetary Fund’s global forecast of 5.9 per cent for the current financial year would be met.