Kaveri Seed Company Ltd., incorporated in the year 1986, is a Mid Cap company (having a market cap of Rs 3248.72 Crore) operating in Agriculture/Horticulture/Livestock sector.
For the quarter ended 31-12-2020, the company reported a Consolidated sales of Rs 118.55 Crore, down 11.55 % from last quarter Sales of Rs 134.02 Crore and down 2.82 % from last year same quarter Sales of Rs 121.99 Crore Company reported net profit after tax of Rs 9.16 Crore in latest quarter.
Investment Rationale
KSCL is well on track to diversify from cotton seed sales by increasing the share of rice and vegetables (non-cotton seed sales contribution to overall sales increased to 53% in 9MFY21 v/s 46% for 9MFY20). These segments are not only growing at a faster pace but also yielding higher margins (v/s the Cotton segment).
Promoter/FII Holdings
Promoters held 55.5 per cent stake in the company as of Dec 30, 2020, while FIIs held 14.1 per cent, DIIs 12.2 per cent and public and others 18.1 per cent.