In a latest order, Sebi said that the sale of 51,000 shares of Dynamatic Technologies was to comply with the covenant of a loan agreement dated 29 June 2016, entered between DTL and consortium of bankers led by ICICI Banḳ. Also, the proceeds of the sale of the shares was utilized to prepay existing promoter group loans, which brought down the percentage of pledged shares at level desired by the consortium of bankers, said Sebi final order.
On 15 June 2020, market regulator ordered the impounding of over Rs 3.83 crore from Udayant Malhoutra for insider trading in the shares of DTL during the period from August-November 2016.
During the probe, the regulator found that Malhoutra, being the CEO and managing director of DTL, had traded the company’s shares while being in possession of UPSI. Sebi observed that the consolidated quarterly financial results of DTL were communicated to the stock exchanges after the trading hours on November 11, 2016, and DTL shares fell on the immediately succeeding trading day on November 15, 2016.
On 27 June 2020, Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) held that the impounding order passed by SEBI cannot be sustained and quashed it at the admission stage citing the ex-parte interim order is patently erroneous.
Subsequently, SEBI filed a review application on 16 July 2020, praying SAT to review its order dated 27 June 2020 and modify the findings but SAT rejected SEBI’s review application saying the tribunal did not find any manifest error in its order requiring review or modification.
Later SEBI moved to Supreme Court but on 18th November 2020, the Supreme Court disposed of SEBI’s appeal affirming the order passed by SAT quashing SEBI’s impounding order dated 15 June 2020.
On 17th September 2020, Dr. Udayant Malhoutra was given an opportunity for personal hearing by SEBI.